Archive for be quiet to hear

Class Is In Session

Posted in #TI, Awareness, Be More Go Hard, Beginnings, commentTerye, Critical Shift, deprogrammer at large, diatribe, Do Right, Frequency, identify, MKUltra, Wake Up with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 19, 2016 by stormgaga

“..heads of state who ride and wrangle, who look at your face from more than one angle…can cut you from their bloated budgets, like sharpening knives through chicken mcnuggets…. now, nimble fingers that dance on number will eat your children and steal your thunder… while heavy torsos that heave and hurl will crunch like nuts in the mouths of squirrels… -shut the fuck up…learn to buck Up…right now- …” -THE Cake #NP

Pay attention, class is in session… ~they got you… #satellite #surveillance … #itslikeaet




#Gloves #Skeletons #tentacles #TI


Posted in Awareness, commentTerye, deprogrammer at large, diatribe, Do Right, identify, Perception, Politics, United States Government, Wake Up with tags , , , , , , , on June 27, 2015 by stormgaga

Fueling this post… #NP ‘Absolute Zero’ – Stone Sour … #drumyum  “..oh my, here We g0…”

“…No pun intended, no punishment..if I offended You, you needed it.. Ideas are the bombs in your mind, a fissure in time.. If you don’t have a weapon, you can’t have mine… No fucking quarter, no premiums; the world is stuck in delirium…  Man is a four-letter word, it’s really absurd… The hate isn’t fake. it’s just inferred…” #asweproceed…

#commenterye …  “..Next time you hear ‘government-funded’ remember that the federal government is 100% tax-payer funded.” – “Young Americans For Liberty”  >>> hhhhhhhhhhh, aarrriiigghtt okkaayyy….

..oh lawd, #letMepreschonit >> The inference here is that All who are on some sort of federal assistance, or those of #economic ‘lower’ class (??escuuumee???) (- you know, those American citizens who are deemed & branded by the “higher” echelon as “lower case”, [..& their own label given them, according to perceived wealth- (and not even liquid wealth), nor for measurable intelligence] ), are “The Problem” with “our society”… okay, rreeaaallly??!?

..ssso trying to avoid listing MY qualifications for being a United States citizen (left to rot)… but this seems to be turning into a comparison paper.. so let me lay it out like this.

I found myself without parents or extended family at the age of twelve.. I set out at sixteen to “Find A Way” to just ‘make it’..   I left high school as a senior, feeling an urgency to get a hold on my life alone. I found a junior college in Florida I liked.. I took the entrance exam, and passed with flying colors. I applied for #FederalAid #studentloan, and lied (I said i’d graduated high school) my way into what I thought could be way up and out of the seeming bleakness facing me. At quarters end, when grades were issued, I was dismissed for not having a high school diploma and told I needed a GED– only I could not earn it from where I already lived & worked;  I was forced to leave what I built, and go back to where I went to high school to take the exam (which I smoked, as well)… ~my first taste of “Red Tape”.

~A tasty side note to bring #comparison… while I was in school there–on the tennis team, working as a racquet stringer, involved in theatre and costume design, a dancer/choreographer with the school troupe- I met many students from the neighboring aeronautics school. I met friends with whom I shared great times; my band was comprised of students from there– I also ran across beautiful souls of foreign descent, from far away lands… #Punch

These same students told me of their station there: they had fully funded #US #Government #Grants (tuition, housing, transportation, books, meals…)… and their sole purpose was to come & gain education here, then, take it back to their homeland and join their military forces. #thinkaboutit

My Father served this country #Veteran.. and as far as I’m concerned my Mother and I served, as well; I was born in Thailand… ~if I have to say anything more, you should excuse yourself from this blog…

With this ridiculous diversional (Lair Book of Words #Websterwashigh) insult, I gave up. I went to work as a waitress with an #IQ of 140. #nufsaid

Fast Forward: I roamed on my own for 30 years all over this fair country looking for new opportunities to better my life, constantly leaving friends and “home”; I worked in some of the best #Restaurants, & gained acquired #Skill in #culinaryArt  ( however be-it un-well-rounded)…  ~I managed to wiggle in where I wasn’t really qualified, only to prove that I had innate skill and acumen which had been largely unnoticed #’left-for-dead’ by !!my only alternative resource #government, who was busy playing games with all other sides…

Now: After all the years of struggle and effort to hold my own, largely on my own, I find the local economy here does not support my labor or specialized skill.. ~local governments seem to rely on the #federalgovernment for support from mismanagement of their own affairs. The ‘good old boys’ network reigns supreme in Washington, & the tricks wanna disgrace someone like !?! ME, for finally asking for part of what I put in #taxes over 40 years… k- naw… It’s time, #GlovesOff…

I am not responsible for the contrived and pointed voting apparatus. I am not responsible for the scores of rogue people who are allowed to rob and rape the system ( #fraud) that which was initially designed to help hard-working people like me–because of faulty management and systems of government, or criminal mishandling of appropriation…-nor can I defend how the Congress is allowed to be jet-setting & vacationing (you know, when they break session, just when an important legislation is pending) on the backs of the American general public; or the phenomenon of giving the born-into-poverty only one real option for survival #propaganda (no education without massive debt) to go to #war…

For once it’s time to split some hairs, get real, and do the math on Who is Who.

Both #politicalparties #Republicans #Democrats #US #Government are rogue; bought and sold, and out-of-bounds. The whole program is farce.. ~you know, “The Greatest Show On Earth” #yesisaidit #bringit

~”United States” indeed.. #Shesayswithmuchsarcasm

8824F1A9..this is where I get to be pedestrian, however correct, and exclaim ” I’m so shuure.”


Posted in Awareness, Beginnings, Church Of the Divine Trust, commentTerye, Critical Shift, diatribe, Do Right, identify, just wondering, loving thy neighbor, Perception with tags , , , , , , , , , , on June 19, 2015 by stormgaga

….okay… in school I was popular… I have no idea why, #idigress but I got somethin’ to say..

~ if ida had this head back then, I’d have had no friends ( #idigress yet again..)…

Appetizer: ~okay here’s the deal… !!!!yes, I know kids have their own personality -usually developed somewhere around ~?two- three?…

..mmmm !!!#HOLYHOWEVER>> This thing called “Parental” is necessary when one brings in one…or two or three… whatever… #ifyoubringtheminhelpthemout #spoondontspawn

Main Course: This disturbed young Man tryna BE was raised by !!???whuaat???>> the disturbed…

?!!!hey, wait— I know, let’s pretend to wage a “war on drugs” while we force-feed people garbage food and sell them bogus ‘medicinals’..  —-oh- wait- Y’all already got a lock on that… #us #government

Dessert: Weyul, ‘Hang On Sloopy’ is a nice idea… buuuuu Kids who starve—for !!whatever- food, attention, affection, sweet suggestion—become criminals, bullys,”terrorists”>>thusly WARDS of the State…

~they are ‘acting out’ in need, not operating from greed… ~kids, even decently treated, can ‘act up’, with external pressures and internal unresolved issues…

..uummmmmm??????but again !!? just Who’s responsibility is it to monitor the influences upon your child’s’ psyche?? #thinkaboutit… or don’t… and, then, just “Suit-Up”…sWa.

~I’m seriously more concerned over the !comments of condemnation for this clearly damaged soul #DylannRoof… go watch a fu*kn bull fight and try to raise your own kids right… and #gitagrip

“The Paper’s Plight Over the Non-Blinking Blank Page” ~by pantha kore Kali

Posted in Be More Go Hard, Critical Shift with tags , , , , , , , on June 8, 2015 by stormgaga

..I got nuthin’…

“WOLVES, BIG CATS, & VENUS FLYTRAPS” ~by pantha kore Kali

Posted in #TI, Awareness, Beginnings, commentTerye, Critical Shift, deprogrammer at large, Frequency, MKUltra, Perception, politico with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 4, 2015 by stormgaga

downsize_01…this post, as most, is a multi-dimensional, operatic enigmatic systematic song for the long slow soft not-so-silent dismantling of the Machine #posse #skeletons #Gloves and #tentacles circling all around Me..

~fueling this piece #NP ‘Bother’ – Stone Sour #musesmusic #FavBoiz “…I’ll keep on slipping farther.. -But once I hold on, I won’t let go ’til it bleeds..” hhhmmmmm…. I call that “Necessary Defensive Tenacity” #TI #TargetedIndividual  100_3232 #Monarch

..patience pays in every way, every time… ~as does true #Faith in your identified “Systems of Support” coming to the rescue when you really are vulnerable to attack (Christians call it ‘God’s Grace’…which is on the right track, but still too randomly set into expectation without directed Will..) #Deserving… ~it’s much easier to dwell in ‘deserving land’, when an individual knows they are doing everything honestly and earnestly-in all ‘thought process’ and ‘emotion control’ and ‘intent-ive directive’; including (or -notwithstanding, as it may be for thee) the basic and pertinent  ‘accessories’ for the proper execution of the ‘undirected intention’ #AdvancedStudies.. ~these elements are *good intention, *honesty, *integrity, *forethought, *humility, *tolerance … ~and n0t least of All.. *#Patience… ~now, admittedly, if one would take time to #thinkaboutit, it’s a seemingly daunting application to process for progresse.. this ‘forging’ your own Matrix #onPurpose …

~for an ‘average’ #unstalked Individual, this is a seeming ‘Path To Enlightenment..

~ for a #TI #TargetedIndividual this is ‘The Way and The Light’…

~..annnd, ssso, this is where it all comes to the header… This thing called #patience is what the wolf, the big cat, and the Venus Flytrap all have in common.. -this is what keeps them alive, and satisfied…

~quite particularly apropos..

#LetMePreachonIt: ~I waited years… for the unraveling of the web they tried to weave about me..

~There were casts of fools with lies, rumors, and deceit -all designed to discredit Me #TI.. they #posse have actually invaded my physical personal property and space.. they #Gloves #tentacles have tried sabotage #entrapment to snare, and they #skeletons have tossed my way intimidation, in the form of  #multiplelooprecordings #radiofrequencyweapons #lightwaves to scare, possibly program… ~mmhhmmm, and I? may mention, the dream-scape has been ‘taken’ by the “Game” #5010 #656 #psychotronics #biologicalradiocommunications #electromagneticenergy … I could go on…

~…mmm, ssso, I will…  #inANutshell #pun0nPurpose>>> ~ …finally the true acceptance of what Is happening did force a decision–to stand (seemingly alone.. ergo> “Silent Battle of The ‘X-Factor’ Obviously Overlooked” #panthaPapers -comin’ !nExt..). —although, the deelishus dish of denial was already plated in front of my personal psyche, I was also met with such incredulousness coming from every quarter on the outreach, when i was trying and vying for help  > #Chief #Police “..that’s Crazy.. He doesn’t have time for that..” …mmmm, then,  #GBI #bogusprotocol >that without the support of some local law enforcement faction ( ..-!?! police or sheriff department-!!??seriously ) they would not investigate…(how conveniently knitted this, #TheBlanket… ‘#Authority’) > #DistrictAttorney “?..what did you do to make them do this..?”..(..mmmm, kkkaayyy ??!!?hhhwhuuaaatt??!) >>> !ooooh, or the “hang-up Princess” at #FBI #ATL.. ( #simultaneousLurchGroanEyeRoll..)

~You, #TI, will not get assistance in this; it was only when I, self-fortified, invited in the corporeal; i let acceptance in and of this circumstance create a previously unreachable ‘stance’ of Self Assurance, from which to proceed, rather than concede…

~unrelenting as is their System #posse #remoteviewing #harassment #stalking , I’ve ‘managed’ to overcome #ManageYourMind  #deprogrammerAtLarge.. >> through acknowledgement, ownership, and acquiescence to linear circumstance and “what is”.. ~simply, my persistent #Faith (… in my ability to command my own mind against brain direction, in the ‘Higher Directive’ of my Charge in this Life and the Sponsors who come therewith, & my long-term tended craft of lucid dreaming..) ~this brought me slow, soft, silent reward…

~”… just because I breathe, I’ve reason to believe…in the truth that holds Justice… it’s the ultimate math-  the real players know that- this, what they beseech, is beyond the demon’s reach.. that’s All.” – Trudy Pearl Sands ~via @Kalipantha #ChurchofTheDivineTrust

*Recipe To Rise: Recognize- what and Who you are now; and regardless of how you’ve come to be- this is person you really are- !Own it..(and drop any sense of self-loathing, or any proclivity to blame another for the #Now.. ) You are responsible for YOU- not Momma, or Daddy, nor social circumstance or perceived pain garnered through interpersonal affair…

~You are “The One”.

~No one can help you–and when you grasp this concept, you’ll receive a lovely ‘parting gift’ from “victimhood”– no one can hurt you, either. (you are welcome)

>> !Then make big wurk to begin to control ALL actions, through controlling Your Own Mind and Emotive States.. it’s albeit like watching the scary scene, rather than hiding your eyes, only to hear the screams…  -but,?See, this way you get to embrace all the “action”… -and, as my great personality says, “Never miss the end of your own movie… That’s All.” -Trudy Pearl Sands #ThingsMaeWestwouldsay #TheGreatestShowOnEarth

…sssso #CyberConnect… one of the main characters of this saga requested my fb friend…( hhhmmmmm… ~after ??6-8 years I sensed the lift of the veil & felt the bubble burst; saw the light shine on in, and tasted the smell of sizzling mesquite slow in sear…)

~after accepting the request, (..a matter of course>>..) personal messages rolled in..

~ I must have just been ‘0n’ my game that day…’cause my Super Woman wrist deflectors not only fielded, but yielded.. >>>just a snippet of verbatim, on facebook archives, to date… precious…>>

Him: (or “Them”)”Let me in your life..” Me: “well, I’ve really had no choice about that, now, have I?”

Him: (or “Them)” know I can see you..” Me: “..I know- for a long time(remote viewing)…” (>>>oh and “They” lovingly refer to me as.. “The Greatest Show On Earth”…)

~anyway…. there it is then… ~I waited patiently.. and with all the cumulative history- the communiques on record, timeline accounting on social, the monitored calls to law enforcement…

~ this really does seal the “Who’s Who” Deal… #HowWeDoIt #Wolf #BigCat #VenusFlytrap100_0151100_0057100_0141… it’s like daet…


Posted in #TI, Awareness, Be More Go Hard, Beginnings, commentTerye, Critical Shift, deprogrammer at large, diatribe, Do Right, Frequency, identify, music, Music Therapy, Perception, politico with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 29, 2015 by stormgaga

#NP ‘Question!’ – THE System of a Down… #itslikedaet.. #myMind #gittyUp “..?do we do it all.. ?when we fly..?”

#NP ‘Freak On A Leash’ – THE Korn… but we will make the flame grow, via kind Grace.. if you cannot summon that within your soul, #TI, you are toast… “..somethin’ takes a part of me..”… -you may wanna go get it… & hey, while you are listening and, hopefully, learning– do this one as well…?>>

#NP ‘Chop Suey!’ -THE System of the Down #Serj #BoiSangin’  #unwittingMentor #lyricalpoignancy

..then for extra oewnership I was courted with a lovely little ditty..

#NP ‘Out Of The Black’ – THE Royal Blood #musesmusic … ?”.. how did it feel when I came alive and took you out of the black..” …it’s good fuel, if You have earned it.. tbc…


Posted in #TI, Beginnings, Church Of the Divine Trust, commentTerye, deprogrammer at large, diatribe, identify with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 9, 2015 by stormgaga

..fueling this post ‘Sabotage’ – THE Beastie Boys “..ima set straight this watergate..” 624

This entry is about pause.. please see the following scripts as tutorial for the 4 stages to unfold for the #TI…if you make it through… lyrics tell… please come.. ~as We proceed..

#1st Stage #TI: ..embodied by Alice In Chains > ‘Nutshell’ “We chase misprinted lies- We face the path of time- and yet I fight, and yet I fight.. This battle all alone.. no one to cry to, no place to call home..

My gift of self is raped.. My privacy is raked.. and yet I find- and yet I find Repeating in my head… if I can’t be my own, I’d feel better dead…”

#commentTerye  >>get past this part and you’ve a chance…

#2nd Stage #TI: ..embodied in these lyrics.. ‘Out Of Time’ – Stone Temple Pilots > “….. Loneliness is beautiful, it leads you home again- Happiness is overrated, joy is infinite- Liberate the hate you feel before it’s permanent- Smile when it hurts, it works like mother’s medicine.. Oh, I know you can’t tithe- Oh, when you look inside yourself- you’ve got to cross that line- Yeah, you’re running out of time..”

#3rd Stage #TI: ..right about now, you have realized a “knowing” that something ‘pfunny’ is definitely going on and discovered there’s virtually no quarter for outside assistance) ;– finally you’re beginning to feel the tempering of time, trying to make you shine.. here it is, y0..>> ‘I’ll Rise’ – THE Ben Harper > “..You may write me down in history with your bitter twisted lies & you may drag me down into the very dirt & still- like the dust, i’ll rise… ~?does my happiness upset you? Why are you pressed with gloom, ’cause I laugh like I got an oil well pumping in my living room… ~so you may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes.. i’ll rise…. ~?now did you want to see me broken, bowed head and lowered eyes..? [ #noGloatZone #Net ] shoulders fallen down, like teardrops weakened by my soul who cries.. ~?does my confidence upset you; don’t you take it awful hard ’cause i’ll walk like I gotta diamond mine breakin’ up in my front yard…

~i’ll rise, i’ll rise, i’ll rise..”100_3355…stage #4 coming up.. ~;*>

~ (fueling this segment>>’Our Time Has Now Come’ – THE Soul ll Soul #musesmusic #own #Rise)

#NP ‘Sound Of Madness’ -THE Shinedown #musesmusic

#4th Stage #TI … you kinda gotta come to the realization that ‘resistance’ is futile; there’s a sense that clicks in – it’s one of survival modality..  and one has to start banking on one’s own experience with “personal tragedy”…> then you have the major guns of #defense … being able to thoughtfully process the thinking that– “I’ve seen it; I’ve been placed on the proposed Pit; and I sang strong my sentiment.. ~I have walked these streets, crawled these same streets…and i own it all, while the trees witness seeming indignity… painting a portrait of iniquity..” ~pantha kore Kali  #imasetstraightthisWatergate

…ssso –here ya g0.. #Song of “My Own Scream” & banked on up on this dream scene … >>these lyrics were the #RightHand out of my devised well… #bringit >>>

“…~ oh my here we go- another ‘loose cannon’ gone bi-polar… slipped down, couldn’t get much lower.. quicksand’s got no sense of humor, but i’m still laughin’ like hell… ~you think that by cryin’ to me, lookin’ so sorry, that I’m gonna believe you’ve been infected, by a social disease #propaganda #media.. ~well, then, take Your medicine… ~ I created the sound of Madness, wrote The Book on Pain.. somehow, I’m still here to explain… that the darkest hour doesn’t come in the night.. ?when you gonna wake up and fight???… for yourself…” #b00m > and the vibes that come to follow, will ripple your current.. be strong, be correct, and g0.. #TI – or you’re toast.. #radioedit #payattentionclassisinsession ..!and then, up next–.. #claimConquer songs, on next postings… ~;*> #peace #BeWell.. “..or just go on home and watch it on TV..” >>>(!name that Group lyrical quote–a free custom Guitar strap to anyone who plays with Moonday 3/30/15)


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on March 1, 2015 by stormgaga

..mmmm, k— in conversation with colleague.. regarding the subject of #EMweaponry applied #ionizingradiation #nonionizingradiation #voicetoskullcommunications… (and he’s a sympathizer ).. “You have been reading too much on line..” (basically, “you watch too much tv”)…I don’t own a tv and I just learned how to copy and paste– ain’t nobody been up in this mind but, largely, Me.. oh and #voicetoskullcommunications #lookitup #dayum..I digress..

~ #letMepreachonit >>I was ‘given’ the information in one of  the “dream assault” instances.. (one of the ‘characters’, yet once again, quoting ma blog>)” #gameOn ” (only he said “we’re On”.. lame…)   …mmm, buu, I happen to be a lucid dreamer; I’m sure they prolly thought I wouldn’t even remember.. #catchup #Tricks….

~..after several days of thinking I may have had an “organic” dream set in year 5010 (in ma ‘dream’ I asked “?what year is this?” She, a large mellow-mannered Woman of ‘color’ with 3 kids said, “5010”…)

~i thought I may ‘fish’ for the two numbers imparted #656 #5010.. the #656.. >>I asked several people in the dream #game gathering “?..where am I ?” the response was slang, apparently, from several characters “56”..finally a young woman said, “656”..

~so several days later I, just for the fun of it,  put in these numbers on search, and immediately found that these are programs..(Both I’ve described in detail previously.. their functions.. ~and may i note, possible applications abound with amendments (other support programs..) – I’ve not deciphered their total systems recipe as of yet..)

I’ve not looked up any other information, I don’t visit displays.. I am the Display..

~everything I am writing is guardedly original and inspired by events occurring.. period.

..I shall return..  100_4304100_3232100_0151

#NP ‘Hail To The King’ – THE Avenged Sevenfold #musesmusic #FavBoiz #playitLOUD


Posted in Beginnings, Church Of the Divine Trust, commentTerye, diatribe, Do Right, identify, just wondering with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 30, 2015 by stormgaga

100_3355 008 012..taking the assignment of #TI is daunting.. most minds will not make it past the social psychological assault… probably they “fold” before the “dream-stealing” even begins…

~ but there are only a couple options on the cliff.. fall down into the fetal position on the edge and become prey, run hard into the wind as you drop off the edge, or turn around and say “!!!??esscuuuMee!???”

~I will admit..that when you are really “wanted”, by many #enmasse, the psychological warfare gets thick, with layers of application.. (I still muse at the local police chiefs response years ago to my confidant-at-the-time’s query to him about my assertion that I was (and at that time, early in this game, i’d nooo idea what extensive layered app was taking place) being “stalked” by a local law enforcement officer, with ‘friends’ #posse.. “That’s “crazy”. He doesn’t have time for that.”   ? #esscuuuMee!???

…mmmm… k- I’m finding at least a couple things wrong with this response… #courtisinsession

ITEM: #1 “Crazy” -this term is ‘go-to gunny sac’, that is readied when a #TI dares to speak out… #roteresponse #brotherhood   ITEM #2 ..mmm??? can you guess? okay– What I’da said: “..ssso you know he’s capable but just too busy??? ” (@2009)

FAST FORWARD 2014… finally a trail of evidence ran up against the rock (local news) .. now, none of what I am asserting here can be identified by recent unfoldings (media exposure) ; however, pertaining to character, what the exposure  has done for me, personally, is publically proven that my assertions (verified by a police 911call and a backup return call from a local detective) are not incorrect -in that -this aggressive individual definitely could, indeed, have been doing just as I said..       -after all, I called in his tag on that fateful day..

Me: “!..and if he’s one of yours it’s even worse!..” (describing his threatening manner with me)

Detective: “’re right..” mmmhhhmmm… I knaow…

..later that night said aggressor called my phone.. to intimidate me further; to let me know “who he is”.. (“!!??Do YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!!”).. clearly having retrieved my phone # from dispatch.. #family of #posse– ” #skeletons #tentacles, & #gloves, oh my..”

I’m surmising that part of being “busy” was the time enlisting the ‘minions’.. #profile #textbook >usually sending different “moles”  to solicit illegal substance, or action #entrapment (a corroborated tactic, commonly associated with this/his sadistic aggression; devised to get ‘one’ into custody so that he has physical access….)..or “the others” stationed  socially to harass in other ways.. #blogread

This reflection was recently acknowleged to me by a primary activist/victim in the movement to expose.. #TIA

–when I described my experience with this..  I said “It’s been going on for 6 +years..”   She said “..for me, it’s been 8..”

***~But you have to first ‘get’ the game, Girlz.. believe it can definitely be a real occurrence, and then, be willing to play..  or you are toast #TI..  -i’ll return to expound.. VVVVV

Just one final sentiment for this entry.. ~a sense of #victimhood is quite reasonable in this instance.. -but stay there n0t long.. the “victim” mentality makes one weak in resolve.. without strong resolve, #TI, you will definitely lose this battle brought.. “Find a Way.. You can Do It, too” -pantha kore Kali

~others will generally be of no service in any salvation for this perceived assault.. ~get it together- on your own… or you’re toast. #peace  ~..returning imminently.. much to share.. ~;*> “Cyber Encounter” and “I WRITE THIS”


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on January 11, 2015 by stormgaga

#NP ‘ Step Up’ – THE Drowning Pool #musesmusic #FavBoiz 026_26redefining patience